Salient Features
- Pre KG Classes (A/C) Play-way method
- KG Classes (AC) Well equipped smart classrooms supported by digital Way of learning
- Well equipped (A/C) Senior Computer lab and Junior Computer lab
- Multipurpose Entertainment Hall (A/C)
- Spacious playground and indoor game facilities
- Water plant for purified drinking water
- Spacious auditorium
- 10th, +1,+2 Government Examination Centre
- English Language Lab
- Math Lab
- E-learning supported by digital classroom
- Educational Tours every year
- School Book Depot provides textbooks and notebooks
- Backup power supply for the entire school campus
- SMS Facility
- School App
- Heartfullness Yoga and Meditation classes
- Western Music/Dance
- Classical Dance
- Karate and Silambam
- Skating and Art & Craft
- Handwriting Classes