Principal's Desk


The Principal's Desk!

Man's creation is the most marvellous of all creations of God. Children are the manifestation of His creativity, attending to the symmetric synchronization of both the mind and the body. Obviously, understanding a child is a herculean task.

I acknowledge that a teacher's job is to harmonise these wonderful creations to suit, to the realities of practical life. A child's mind is like a clean slate. Whatever is written in it will remain forever. They are written with indelible ink

At Nellai Nadar, we try to imbibe moral values and discipline in the minds of the children and mould them as good men and women. We also try to develop all their minds of talents, and bring them to full bloom so that their fragrance and light can inspire others, and illuminate the entire world.

By education, we mean positive modification in one's character. Hence, education is a lifelong process which starts from cradle and ends in grave. Every day we learn something. Education trains the mind to think. Hence, there is an unquenchable thirst for knowledge among our children.

Education should ignite the spark of quest for knowledge in them. We should not discourage our children when they approach us with their queries. We should mould them as good human beings, and bring out a balanced growth in them. Thus, they will become assets to us, to our country and to the entire world.

The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence.
- Rabindranath Tagore


M.SC. (Phy),B.Ed., M.Sc.(Psy), M.B.A. (Edn,Mgt.),


"Come, Let's Walk Together With Our Children. Towards A Bright Tomorrow...!"